Copyright © Indiana Rocketry, Inc. 2025
Registration Information
Registration is for all three days, Friday, April 11, Saturday, April 12, and Sunday, April 13. Refunds will not be given for bad weather or violation of flying range rules. On-line, advance registration is HIGHLY preferred . Cash is strongly preferred at the field. ALL registrants must provide a valid TRA and/or NAR membership number and certification level. Minors (under 18) may fly low and mid power for free, no registration or flyer badge required.
Although your current, active IRI membership entitles you to fly free (no launch fees) at our regular, monthly, high-power launches, this benefit does not include the special, regional, ThunderStruck 2025 launch. However, we are offering a $10 discount to our active members. The on-line, advance registration fee for current IRI members is $30. Current IRI members who register at the launch field will be charged $40. Please register in advance.
The on-line, advance registration fee for non-IRI members is $40. Non-IRI members who register at the launch field will be charged $55. Please register in advance.
The flyer of record (the person whose name appears on the flight card) must be a current TRA or NAR certified to the level of the motor being flown. Up to nine (9) additional team members may be included in the university team registration. ALL UNIVERSITY TEAM MEMBERS WHO WILL BE AT THE LAUNCH PAD MUST BE CURRENT TRA OR NAR MEMBERS FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES. If you are not a TRA or NAR member, you will not be allowed onto the flying field. The cost of an on-line, advance university team registration is $55. The cost of a university team registration at the launch field will be $80. Please register in advance.
Online Registration is open!
Online Registration is open!